
Techweek Sponsor Spotlight: Ruckus Wireless

Techweek is taking over Chicago from June 22-25, and lonelybrand is proud to be a strategic partner. To celebrate the contributions Chicago is making in the digital space, we’re spotlighting our fellow Techweek sponsors leading up to the event in a special blog series.

Ruckus Wireless

seo marketing agency, marketing agency chicago, chicago search engine marketing, social media agency, online marketing agency chicago, seo agency chicago, search engine marketing chicago, chicago search engine marketing firm, chicago interactive marketing agency, digital marketing agency chicago, social media agency chicago, techweekBased in our very own home city of Chicago, Ruckus Wireless is a pioneer in the wireless infrastructure market. They’re helping to enable carriers and enterprises to keep up with the demand for high-bandwidth applications and services. Ruckus’ Smart-WiFi tech is redefining what’s possible in wireless network performance with flexibility, reliability and affordability.

Learn more about Ruckus Wireless here.

You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook.