
Techweek Sponsor Spotlight: Redbox

Techweek is taking over Chicago from June 22-25, and lonelybrand is proud to be a strategic partner. To celebrate the contributions Chicago is making in the digital space, we’re spotlighting our fellow Techweek sponsors leading up to the event in a special blog series.

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Headquartered in nearby Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, Redbox has changed the way Americans rent movies. In the off chance that you haven’t utilized a Redbox, it’s a vending machine for movies and video games. Over 1.5 billion Redbox discs have been rented, perhaps because more than 68% of the US population lives within a five-minute drive of a Redbox kiosk. Find one of their 30,000 nationwide locations at your local grocery store, pharmacy, fast food joint, or go wild and visit the Willis Tower location.

You can follow Redbox on Facebook and Twitter.

Check out other installments of this special Techweek partner series here, and find a complete list of Techweek sponsors and partners here.