
Techweek Sponsor Spotlight: kCura

Techweek is taking over Chicago from June 22-25, and lonelybrand is proud to be a strategic partner. To celebrate the contributions Chicago is making in the digital space, we’re spotlighting our fellow Techweek sponsors leading up to the event in a special blog series.

seo marketing agency, marketing agency chicago, chicago search engine marketing, social media agency, online marketing agency chicago, seo agency chicago, search engine marketing chicago, chicago search engine marketing firm, chicago interactive marketing agency, digital marketing agency chicago, social media agency chicago, techweekLocated in the Windy City, kCura are the developers of the e-discovery software Relativity. Relativity is a web-based platform servicing the analysis, review and production stages of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model. Relativity powers kCura’s legal hold management solution, Method, which is a workflow and notification system designed to manage legal hold and risk assessment processes. kCura also helps corporations and law firms with e-discovery challenges by installing Relativity and Method on-premises, as well as providing hosted, on-demand solutions through a global network of partners in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.

Learn more about kCura here.

You can fine kCura on Twitter and Facebook.

Check out other installments of this special Techweek series here, and find a complete list of Techweek sponsors and partners here.