
Techweek Sponsor Spotlight: Cars.com

Techweek is taking over Chicago from June 22-25, and lonelybrand is proud to be a strategic partner. To celebrate the contributions Chicago is making in the digital space, we’re spotlighting our fellow Techweek sponsors leading up to the event in a special blog series.

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Cars.com sees over 11 million car shoppers each month, solidifying its spot as the top destination for online car shoppers. The website lists new, used and certified vehicles from dealers and private parties, with a host of tools from comprehensive pricing information and dealer reviews to side-by-side comparison tools and photo galleries. Launched in Chicago in 1998, Cars.com is a division of Classified Ventures LLC, which also includes Apartments.com and HomeGain.com.

You can follow Cars.com on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Check out other installments of this special Techweek series here, and find a complete list of Techweek sponsors and partners here.