Real life pranks are so 20th century. These days, April Fools’ Day is all about outlandish online schemes. Here’s a collection of our favorite 15 bits of web foolery.
1. Google Really Advanced Search
Google search got pretty specific for April Fools’ Day.
2. Google Maps
Locate your office in April Fools’ 8-bit mode here.
3. Google Analytics Music Feature
Google Analytics spiced things up with a new piano-like feature.
4. The YouTube Collection
We hope you grabbed your copy of The YouTube Collection: every video ever uploaded to the site, all in convenient DVD format.
5. NPR #catstagram
NPR flooded its Instagram feed with images of staffers’ feline friends all day long.
6. Philadelphia’s Distracted Pedestrians Lane
Philadelphia city officials were only half joking when they installed a sidewalk lane for distracted (read: texting) pedestrians. Listen to the full story here.
7. Shapes by Toshiba
Toshiba premiered new irregularly-shaped tablets on Tuesday. Did you spot the April Fools’ message in the DJ scene?
8. Pad & Quill’s Littlest Black Book
Now there’s a sleek and sophisticated case for your tiniest Apple device: the iPad Nano.
9. TomTom Makes Babies Laugh
Your navigational device now doubles as baby entertainer.
10. Sony Quarter-Sized Computer
Meet the world’s most compact computer!
11. Conan’s Mashable Takeover
This one inspired quite a few eye rolls across the web. At least they went for it?
12. Warby Barker
The canine spectacle campaign was the lonelybrander favorite.
13. Wilco Releasing Album on Piano Roll
Chicago’s favorite indie band announced on their blog that, “answering the call from octogenarian fans and audiophiles worldwide, Wilco have finally released their Grammy-nominated 2011 album The Whole Love on piano roll.”
14. Twilio Telegram
Cloud communications company Twilio went old school for April Fools’ Day, advertising a new hand delivered telegram program.
15. Flickr’s Pixel Reduction
Photosharing platform Flickr dramatically reduced its pixel count on April 1st, announcing that photos would now appear in black and white Atkinson Dither style.