
InboxQ Helps You Share Your Expertise and Answer Some Tough Questions

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One of the ways to connect with a larger audience while asserting your expertise and your authority is to get engaged in conversations and answer questions. Although it’s easy to follow specific topics and hashtags (especially when you’re using a twitter client like Tweetdeck), it’s not so easy to track down people who are genuinely looking for assistance. Now, there’s a service to help you do that: InboxQ.*

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Available as a plugin or an in-client app through Hootsuite, InboxQ allows users to add their choice of keywords from topics they are experts on. InboxQ then scours Twitter, keeping an eye out for questions that crop up using those selected keywords. Once questions show up, the plugin lets users know that there are questions waiting to be answered.

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How can brand marketers take advantage of this?

By using keywords that relate to their given brand, industry or area of expertise, marketers can seek out questions and become an authority on the topics by answering them. What’s more, by being so willing to help and answer questions, the brand is put in a positive light, encouraging fans, followers and potential customers to give them a try.

If you use Hootsuite, you can find the InboxQ app here. If you’re a Chrome user, you can find the plug-in here. You can also find more of our digital marketing tools here.

*Note: As of June 2013, InboxQ appears to have been shut down.