
Fortune 500 CEOs Sparse on Social Media

According to a recent study from Domo and CEO.com, CEOs are participating in social media channels significantly less than the general public. In fact, 70% of CEOs have no social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Google Plus.

Here is a look at how Fortune 500 CEOs stand on some of the most popular social networks:

  • 7.6% on Facebook
  • 4% on Twitter
  • <1% on Google Plus

CEOs are, however, more active than the general public when it comes to LinkedIn — 26% of CEOs are active on the professional network, versus just 20.15% of the US general public.

The value of a social C-Suite

These low rates of social participation among executives are worrisome because statistics show that a digitally active C-Suite shortens the B2B business cycle. According to lonelybrand data, 63% of B2B companies surveyed whose executives regularly participate in online conversation close business in 3 months or less. Meanwhile, only 42% of companies whose executives are apsent from online conversation close business in the same amount of time.

Social C-Suite

Smart marketing departments are building support systems to assist executives in time management and to maintain enthusiasm for social media marketing efforts. The process takes takes time and effort on a consistent basis from digital marketing experts, but in the end the benefits outweigh the costs when it comes to a socially active C-suite.