
7 People Who Are Winning the Internet With Science

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In the world of digital content, science is the new rock and roll. Many science-focused content creators are creating popular blogs, videos, memes, and other content that would make any marketer green with envy. By combining learning and entertainment, these science content masters are making the internet a far more interesting place.

Here are seven of the very best science content creators:

Elise Andrew

Elise Andrew is the creator and owner of the extremely popular Facebook page “I Fucking Love Science” (pardon the language). IFLS presents cool science facts, pictures and videos to its followers every day. IFLS has 10 million followers on Facebook. For comparison, that’s more than many popular corporate Facebook pages including Burger King, the New York Yankees, and the TV series “The Voice.”

Emily Graslie

Emily Graslie is the “Chief Curiosity Correspondent” for Chicago’s Field Museum. What does that mean? Well, Graslie explores the various galleries of the Field Museum, and also science topics that are pertinent to the museum on her YouTube channel the Brain Scoop. If you think no one would be interested in learning about science and what goes on at a museum, you’d be wrong. The Brain Scoop currently has over 206,000 followers on Youtube.

Hank Green

Graslie got her start guesting in videos by Hank Green. Green is one half of the internet-famous Vlogbrothers (the other half is his brother John, best selling author of the book “The Fault in Our Stars”). While Green’s initial success came from his popular video blog, he and his brother have since created a host of science related video channels including SciSchow which is a science news and discussion channel, and Crash Course: Chemistry and Crash Course: Biology which are topic-focused educational channels.

Jad Abumrad & Robert Krulwich

Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich are the hosts of the popular radio show Radiolab. By releasing each episode in podcast format, Radiolab has become a dominant force in science content on the internet. In an online environment dominated by brief, shallow content, Radiolab succeeds with an hour-long program that delves into not just science, but the philosophy of science as well.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, an author, and an incredible speaker. By blending his own natural charisma and passion for science, deGrasse Tyson has become a one man viral internet presence. From popular YouTube videos, to memes on Tumblr, to a gig hosting the TV show Cosmos, Tyson is a popular powerhouse spreading the message of science around the world.

Bill Nye

If you were a kid in the early nineties, you may remember the bow-tied scientist who hosted “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” Well, the Science Guy is still around and these days he spends most of his time online going to bat for educating the public about climate change and evolution. It sometimes seems like you can’t open a news page online without seeing some kind of article about the Science Guy.

John Boswell

John Boswell is an electronic musician whose mission is to spread science and learning using music. With his “Symphony of Science” series, John takes recordings of scientists discussing a topic (Like space exploration or the human mind) and turns them into beautiful songs. The first Symphony of Science video, “A Glorious Dawn,” has nearly nine million views on Youtube.

So what can marketers learn from these edutaining science folk? By merging a cause people care about, science education, with entertaining content, and presenting it with a human face, you can get your content to spread farther than it would if you merely released it into the wilds of the internet.