
Tumblr Introduces Sponsorships

It seems like it’s been months since we’ve had major news to report on the Tumblr front, but the social network is now gaining advertisers’ attention with the announcement of advertisements.

The popular blogging site announced it will begin to feature sponsors in its Spotlight and Radar sections. The Radar section boasts 120 million impressions a day and sponsors will be showcased alongside highlighted media. As the new Sponsors page details, “sponsors get a dedicated share of attention, with the opportunity to gain thousands of new followers, likes, and reblogs.”

TumblrSimilarly, the Tumblr Spotlight will feature advertisers in a curated list of new and exciting creators on the Tumblr network, where sponsors are featured prominently.

TumblrWhat kind of sponsors do you think the site will gain? Brands like Coca-Cola that have an established following but offer a fun approach to the branded blog? Or smaller companies that offer creative, unique products?