
There’s an App for That: Bellyflop

Loyalty punchcards are a great concept. The problem is, I never manage to have them with me at the right time, so my once a week visit to Protein Bar doesn’t pay off in the free stuff department. Bellyflop is here to save the day (or the free food?) by replacing those cumbersome punchcards with the one thing I’m guaranteed to have in my pocket: my iPhone. Once you download the app, all of the loyalty programs from your favorite spots are available in one place. When you visit a participating location, simply scan the barcode on the restaurant’s iPad to document your purchase and earn points. Bellyflop also presents CRM opportunities for businesses. The application offers several tools for participating companies, including customer tracking and analytics, loyalty program management and email marketing (for a fee). Businesses can apply to start a Bellyflop loyalty program here. Consumers can download the Bellyflop app here. Have an app you think is revolutionary? Let us know by commenting below or connecting with lonelybrand on Twitter.


Why do people download apps? To solve problems, of course. If you want Jane Consumer to download your app, you need to find a solution to her everyday unmet needs. But that’s easier said than done, which is why lonelybrand highlights a super-problem-solver (AKA mobile app) each week. Take a few hints from these guys and next thing you know, you can answer Jane’s conundrum of the day with that timeless phrase, “there’s an app for that.”