
Share What You Love Doing With Snapguide

Looking up how-tos on the likes of YouTube or eHow can be a pain and a hassle. Steps can be overlooked, directions can be confusing and often there aren’t photos to guide you along the way. Fortunately for teachers and learners, Snapguide has made it easy to create and view tutorials.

snapguide app, tutorials              snapguide, tutorials

Like its tagline says, Snapguide allows you to share what you love doing. The app allows users to create step-by-step guides about anything that interests them. Guides can be created from photos with accompanying text or from video, and users can engage with other users through comments and additional tips. And if you find a guide you just need to share, like a delicious looking recipe for French lemonade, you can share it via your social networks.

snapguide app, tutorials

The app’s UI is easy to navigate and attractive, and the guides are easy to swipe through and understand. As the user base grows, so does the supply of guides, making nothing off limits to create and share.

Snapguide is available for free for iOS and currently has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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