
Digital Marketing Toolbox: Browserstack

Between varied browser preferences and the multitude of mobile devices out there, there are endless perspectives from which people can view your content. That means it’s essential to check that your site appears exactly as intended for each and every one of these combinations. You could get to work downloading multiple browsers (don’t forget those outdated versions) and scooping up every smartphone and tablet you can get your hands on…or you could do yourself a favor and try our Browserstack.

The tool offers live, web-based testing with instant access to any desktop or mobile browser. Here’s how it works:

1. Enter the URL you want to test.

URL Testing

2. Choose the operating system you’d like to test. Mobile and tablet emulators are also available.

OS Testing

3. Select the browser, including the version, to test.

Browser Testing

4. Hit Start Testing and Browserstack will give you instant access to the chosen site through the selected operating system and browser.


Browswer stack offers a free trial, and pricing information is available here. For more tools to streamline your brand’s online presence, check out our digital marketing toolbox series.