Getting in front of C-suite executives is an essential yet precarious step in the B2B sales cycle, and as these decision makers change the way they spend time online, it’s important for sellers to keep up.
Data from a study by Compete & Google shows that C-level executives are more likely to use mobile devices to make purchase decisions than the general business population. 28% of C-suite executives use mobile phones and 21% use tablets to research business purchases online.
Search engines are the most popular place for execs to find purchase information online, with 73% turning to Google and other search engines for research. Brand websites are also an important source of information. 51% of of B2B executives use a brand’s website to assist in purchasing decisions and, as shown above, a percentage are accessing both search and web resources via mobile devices.
The data shows that decision makers are using mobile devices to research business decisions, but do agencies have the mobile capabilities to keep up?
According to lonelybrand research, 64% of agency executives believe companies like theirs should have a mobile or smartphone-friendly website, but only 42% plan to invest in mobile lead generation strategy in 2012. Of those that will optimize mobile resources this year, 29% will invest in a mobile website and 24% will invest in a mobile application.
B2B decision makers aren’t just using mobile; they’re using mobile to make the business purchase decisions that matter to agencies. If agencies want decision makers to learn more about their services, they need to make themselves mobile accessible. Yet less than half of agencies plan to enhance mobile presence in the coming year.
Is your B2B company planning to pull ahead by serving mobile resources to decision makers in 2012?