We’ve grown accustomed to review apps and sites like Yelp and their, often, lengthy reviews. One app is looking to put the brevity back into the art of the review. Say hello to Tiny Review.
Aiming to make reviews more fun and to the point, Tiny Review allows users to shoot and post photos of a restaurant, meal, theater – pretty much anything their heart desires – with a very brief review. How brief? Try three lines!
Although originally created as a reviews source, the app’s nature allows users to use it for pretty much anything. So, among the restaurant and service-based reviews, you’re bound to find goofy photos of users or their surroundings, accompanied by tongue-in-cheek comments.
So why do we like Tiny Review?
–Brevity is the soul of social networking – As countless social networking sites and services have demonstrated, less is more in the world of social media, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Limiting yourself to a specific number of characters or a given space forces you to be as concise as possible – something you want to achieve when writing any kind of review.
–Pictures drive home the point – One of the downsides of Yelp is the sheer amount of text present. Although describing an experience or dish is a talent in itself, why say what you can display? After all, a picture is already worth a thousand words! And Tiny Review lets it do most of the talking.
–Brand new opportunity for brands – There’s been a surge in photo-based apps lately, as well as photo-based social media networks, and Tiny Review gives brands and fans an extra opportunity to show off products and goods. Because it allows users to tag their location, it’s even possible for brands and companies to find and gather all the best Tiny Reviews for their establishment and display them (hmmm…sounds like a job for Pinterest).
You can get Tiny Review from the App Store.
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