
Anthropologie’s Fresh Approach to Tumblr

We’ve spent a fair amount of blog posts discussing new social media tactics by fashion brands (including Gap and New York & Company). Generally, when going through various social media sites for fashion brands, you’ve got an idea of what you’ll find on them. There will probably be photos of the clothes and models in action, as well as promotional offers for fans. For Anthropologie, though, that’s not the case.

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The popular fashion and home brand has taken a different approach with their Tumblr account and are earning a new base of fans thanks to their themed photo and video posts. Entitled etymologie, the blog chooses a word and then relates in picture and videos, what that word means and what images it conjures for them.

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For example, the ‘trail’ posts boast both photos from singer Ingrid Michaelson and a photo of the popular computer game “Oregon Trail.” The posts are funny, inspiring, and often beautiful, which then prompts followers to reblog the posts, spreading Anthropologie’s name and information as a result.

Fans can even suggest words for future themed posts.

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And, of course, there is an omnipresent link back to the Anthropologie store.

In short, we fell in love with the etymologie blog because of its fresh approach and simple style.

Is there a brand that you love that has taken an unexpected approach to digital content and social engagement? Find us on Twitter and tell us about it! Are you trying to find a new, fun way to engage your brand’s audience? Check out our white paper and overcome your digital doubt!