
Building a Brand Name as a Wedding Services Provider


Although there are many vocational endeavors that can help an individual build wealth and cultivate a personally satisfying career, opting to offer wedding services can be particularly rewarding. Whether you’re a videographer or wedding band designer, offering wedding services empowers you to play a profound and positive role in perfecting one of the most special days of a couple’s life. At the same time, you can make money doing it! While this field of work can be both personally and professionally rewarding, many individuals who offer wedding services find it difficult to build their brand and establish a steady base of clients. If this is your challenge, the following branding strategies can be of great assistance to you:


1. Develop A Social Media Marketing Campaign.


As many internet marketing experts know, social media has become an incredibly powerful way for business owners to get the word out about their goods and services. Social media channels are a particularly useful medium for small business owners to utilize because they are very effective. In fact, you can start an account and advertise your wedding services on Twitter and Facebook for free. There are a million great ways to start your social media marketing campaign, like sending a viral-worthy tweet that contains links to a beautifully designed website like this one featuring high quality images of the wedding work you’ve done thus far.


2. Create Some Signature Promotional Products.


People love free products and you can capitalize on this to advance your business by creating promotional goodies that you give away in a manner that attracts attention to your brand. Some great examples of promotional products would be a coffee cup with your wedding services logo on it. To make the most of this promo, run a contest in which the coffee cup is the prize. Each time the contest winner uses the cup, she or he will be giving you some free advertising.


3. Turn Your Loyal Clients Into Brand Ambassadors


This can be the most lucrative and cost-effective branding strategy you employ. As many marketing experts know, people are much more likely to use a product or service if their friends and family members speak well of it. Capitalize on this reality by offering your loyal customers incentives to spread the word about your great services. There are a million creative ways you can make this happen. For example, a wedding videographer can approach former clients who liked their work and inform them of a new referral program. With the referral program, the former client would be responsible for telling someone else about your great video-taking services. In the event that that individual booked you for his or her wedding, your original client would get some significant freebie or percentage off the next service you offer them. You may already be able to tell why making “brand ambassadors” in this way is so effective. First, it requires little to no work on your part because someone else is advertising for you. Second, it helps you maintain a great relationship with your former clients.




If you’re serious about building your wedding services business, you should know that implementing effective branding strategies is the key to success. To get off to a great start, incorporate some or all of the techniques outlined above into your marketing strategy. Good luck!