
SEOs and Content Marketing: Common Tools & Tactics

SEO Meme

Meme from seomoz.org

You know that search engine optimization is important, but do you ever wonder what SEOs actually do on a day-to-day basis? SEOMoz provides biennial answers to this question with their massive SEO industry survey. The report is full of great information for SEOs and the people that hire them, from demographics to tools to average salary.  Today I’m going to focus specifically on the content marketing tactics that SEOs use to get the job done.

The top 10 inbound marketing actions SEOs spend their time doing:

From a tactical perspective, what do SEOs actually do? Respondents were asked which activities they spend more than half of their time doing. Answers below are listed in terms of % of respondents.

76% Social: set up/ran a Facebook business page

74% Analytics: analyzed/tracked site speed and page-load times

69% Competitive: analyzed competitors’ content for inspiration/opportunities

64% Social: set up a Google+ business profile

63% Analytics: analyzed [not provided] data in Google Analytics

59% Content: started a new blog or invested heavily in blogging

58% On-page: used rel=”canonical” to control duplicate content

57% Analytics: employed conversion tracking to improve ROI

55% SEO: focuced on local SEO: Google Places, local keyword targeting, etc.

SEO content breakdown

When it comes to content, blog posts, social media and articles/guides top the list for SEOs.

73% Blog posts

69.7% Social Media Content

68.8% Articles and guides

44% E-newsletters

38.2% Images (graphics, photography, etc.)

35.9% Video

25.7% Infographics

21.1% Polls and surveys

20.8% White papers

8.6% Audio, music and/or podcasts

Social media tools used by SEOs

Facebook is the reigning king when it comes to social media tools used by SEOs, but Twitter is close behind and Google+ is making serious headway, probably due to the known benefits of Google Authorship.

88% Facebook

83% Twitter

55% Google+

49% YouTube

47% LinkedIn

47% Blogging

21% Pinterest

9% StumbleUpon

5% Tumblr

5% Flickr

For more information on the SEO crowd, check out the full SEOmoz SEO Industry Survey.