
Google Analytics Content Experiments Makes Optimization Easy

The abundance of email marketing tools out there makes multivariate testing for email as simple as can be. Testing and optimizing web content and layouts, on the other hand, can be a complicated and laborious task  . . . until now, with the release of Google’s Content Experiments, a new tool that lives within the Google Analytics interface.

According to the GA team, Content Experiments “helps you optimize for goals you have already defined in your Google Analytics account, and can help you decide which page designs, layouts and content are most effective.”

Once you access Experiments form your Analytics page, “you can develop several versions of a page and show different versions to different visitors. Google Analytics measures the efficacy of each page version, and with a new advanced statistical engine, it determines the most effective version.” The video below does a nice job of explaining the testing and page performance analytics.

According to Google, the new tool provides:

  • A setup wizard that walks you step by step through setting up experiments, and helps you quickly launch new tests.
  • The use of Google Analytics tags so that you only need to add one additional tag to the original page.
  • An understanding of which content performs best, and identifies a winner as soon as statistically significant data has been collected.

Google is slowly rolling out Content Experiments, so keep an eye out for “Experiments” under your GA Content tab over the next couple of weeks. We’re looking forward to giving this new tool a whirl.