
Facebook Introduces Embeddable Posts

Facebook Embeddable Posts
Just yesterday I was reveling in the utter convenience of Vine and Instagram‘s embeddable posts. Click a button, grab a string of code, slap it into your blog editor and you’re all set with an interactive embed. Twitter offers the same functionality, so it’s just as simple to embed a tweet for examples, social proof or what have you. But for whatever reason, Facebook was slow to jump on this bandwagon. Providing examples of Facebook posts was labor-intensive (screenshots, Photoshopping, manual linking, ugh), and they weren’t even live or interactive.

Fortunately, that inconvenience is getting an upgrade. On July 31 over on Developer Blog, Facebook introduced embeddable posts — “a social plugin that lets you easily add public posts from Facebook to your blog or website.” Any public Facebook post can now be embedded with a few simple steps.

To get started, click the drop down menu and select “Embed Post.” Grab the code that pops up in the dialog box and then paste it into your article or webpage. Your readers will be able to interact with the Facebook post directly from your blog where they can like, comment and share the update, and see a live count on the post’s activity. Below is a shot of what the embeddable posts look like. Facebook Embeddable PostWhy is the above a screenshot rather than an embed, you ask? So far Facebook has only rolled out the function to a few strategic partners including CNN, Huffington Post, Mashable and People. Fingers crossed, this will be my very last Facebook post screenshot. Fingers crossed.