
5 Ways Ancestry.com is Rocking Pinterest

We’ve seen brands take an interesting approach to Pinterest in the past, but it takes some strategizing to create a profile that continues to interest and engage followers. Genealogy giant Ancestry.com has managed to do just that with their Pinterest account. Here are 5 things that Ancestry.com is doing well.

Interesting, Branded Infographics

Earlier this year, the 1940 census was published on Ancestry.com. Using that information, the site created dozens of infographics to give readers information at a glance. The infographics are attractive and informative, of course, but they were also created with Ancestry.com’s logo prominently displayed. This is perfect for Pinterest’s share and share again environment, ensuring that sharers will know who created it, even after it is shared multiple times.

Sharing Content From Other Sites/Pinners

Half the battle of Pinterest is sharing interesting content, the second half is gathering a following with whom to share that content. A great way to build that following is by following pinners yourself and repinning that interesting content. That’s exactly what Ancestry.com is doing. Rather than only sharing their own content, the site is pinning new and interesting content from blogs, historical sites and even online magazines. This is putting them in the good graces of Pinterest users and bloggers alike, helping to build their following.

Family Projects

Ancestry.com invites users to discover their family story, but they are also interested in creating new family stories to be passed through future generations. With material from sites like Parents.com and Family Fun, Ancestry shares fun, family-focused activities for parents to check out — from family tree projects to Christmas ornaments to family tree art projects.

Fun, Funny Boards

Aside from fashion, crafts and wedding planning, Pinterest has become a great home for memes and funny photos. Ancestry.com is exploring this with a couple pinboards in particular, Celebrity Yearbooks and Genealogy Funnies. With both boards, the site is maintaining the basis of its brand while embracing humor in a clever and interesting way.

Resources for Genealogy Enthusiasts

Finally, because Ancestry.com’s main goal is to help users discover more about their family’s past, the site has created pinboards consisting entirely of tools and resources for curious users and amateur genealogists.

Looking for more help with Pinterest? Check out some brands that are showing their competitive spirit with Pinterest contests, or learn about restaurant Pinterest strategy.