Month: November 2014
How are your brand's conversion rates? Are they good or bad? These are questions that every company or marketer should be asking themselves.
What lessons can small car dealers learn from big manufacturers and how can they apply them to their digital marketing?
People are always complaining about ads. Most people (especially young people) complain that there is too much advertising in their lives, and it’s too disruptive. This is particularly …
Get tips on optimizing your ecommerce platform to optimize your holiday sales this season.
Learn the latest trends in social, content, and digital marketing that will affect your brand in the near future.
Why does Sainsbury's "Christmas is for Sharing" work? We take a look.
As the New England Patriots Learned with their #1MillionPatriots Hashtag, social media automation can be very, very problematic.
What do Doctor Oz and Bill Cosby have in common? Social media controversy.
What keeps brands from making the best content possible?
How can brands take advantage of Facebook's recent news feed changes? By getting back to basics and making great content.
We examine some strategies restaurants can use to establish a strong social media presence.
Men are becoming more and more involved in family purchasing decisions. We explore best practices to market to men.
Who or what is #AlexFromTarget and what does it have to do with social media marketing? Find out in this article.
Every year, thousands of people participate in National Novel Writing Month. What can marketers learn from these aspiring novelists?
Need some inspiration for holiday content marketing? Here are 4 examples of successful brand content for the holiday season.