
GIFs Are Taking Over Pinterest

pinterest gifs

You’ll soon start to see GIFs on your Pinterest feed, how great! Or not great, depending on your opinion of moving images that can typically slow down your whole Tumblr feed. Pinterest says that there are already “tens of millions of GIF pins” already on the website, which will now be available to you. Whether you love or hate the GIF movement, here are a few highlights of this news:

  • GIFs will be available on the desktop version of Pinterest, not yet mobile. It’ll be good to test before trying to allow GIFs on mobile devices, because if you’re like me, nothing is more annoying than waiting for a GIF to load on your phone. If it’s an especially weird one, nothing is more annoying than waiting for the GIF to load than being highly disappointed.
  • There will be a play and pause button for each GIF pin. Great news! This helps eliminate any unwanted GIF-playing and still looks pretty seamless on the website. Take note (regarding autoplay videos), Facebook.

Pinterest GIFs
(via Pinterest)

  • Seeing as brands have taken advantage of Vine and Instagram video, who’s to say it can’t be done via GIF on Pinterest? I see some great recipe, exercise, and content-related GIFs coming our way on Pinterest. Since the draw to Pinterest is great visuals, expect to see some quality efforts.

Do you think brands can capitalize on Pinterest GIFs? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.