Bing recently announced Pinterest pins will be included in image search results. Although this news shouldn’t push non-Pinterest brands to suddenly adopt a Pinterest strategy, it should cause brands to optimize their pins.
Here are three steps brands can take to make their Pinterest pins Bing-worthy.
Keywords, Keywords, Keywords
Obviously, you don’t want your pins to come across as spammy or keyword-stuffed nonsense, but including keywords in your pin’s description is very important. It’s even more important to pick the right keywords to include. Say you’re posting a Halloween themed image. Describing something as a “pumpkin” is fine, but if it’s actually a Jack-o-lantern, you could be missing out on a whole segment of potential searchers and viewers. Keep that in mind when crafting your descriptions.
Revisit Pins and Double-Check Accompanying URLs
If your pin’s accompanying url simply directs users to a larger version of the pinned image, now is the time to edit it. Changing the accompanying url to a relevant url (perhaps directing viewers back to a relevant page on your site) can help you convert Pinterest traffic into web traffic. Since it’s possible that you could experience an influx of Bing users, why not prepare ahead of time and make it as easy as possible to turn those viewers into customers.
Swap Out Low-Res Images for High-Res Images
Low-res images on Pinterest are so 2011. Unfortunately, you might have some low-res pins from your past that continue to get attention, even if they’re not pretty to look at. To make those sad Pinterest pins Bing-able, delete the low-res version and replace it with a high-res version. Just be sure to remember steps one and two!
Find more strategies and tips in our dedicated Pinterest section.