
New Feature by Superhuman Uses Generative AI to Automatically Respond to Emails

## Superhuman’s New Feature: Instant Reply

Superhuman, a popular third-party email application, has recently announced a new feature that promises to revolutionize email communication. They call it Instant Reply, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI to compose possible responses to incoming emails automatically.

What is Instant Reply?

In their recent blog post, Superhuman unveiled that the Instant Reply feature will be available to their users in the next few days.

The Instant Reply feature stands out from its competitors by offering more than just short, quick responses. Instead, it drafts full emails which the user can choose to send with minimal or no edits.

Superhuman describes the feature: “Imagine waking up to an inbox where every email has a draft reply. You would simply edit, then send. Sometimes, you wouldn’t even edit.”

How Does it Work?

Superhuman provides three draft replies under each conversation within their app. These draft replies are fully-fledged emails that are ready to send immediately. They are pre-computed, eliminating the waiting time associated with similar features on other platforms like Outlook.

The Instant Reply feature is also designed to match the voice and tone of prior emails sent by the user, providing a consistent communication style. This is achieved by using advanced AI algorithms that study and learn the user’s writing style.

Test Results and Partnerships

Superhuman has been testing the Instant Reply feature with thousands of users. The results have shown a significant increase in email sending speed, with users reportedly sending emails around twice as fast as before.

The feature’s successful development and implementation have been made possible through Superhuman’s partnership with OpenAI. OpenAI also works with Microsoft on AI features for its productivity apps, further solidifying its position in the AI industry.

Activating Instant Reply

Users of Superhuman can activate the Instant Reply feature in the Superhuman app. For Mac users, this can be done by hitting Cmd+K, while Windows users should press Ctrl+K. Then, select Activate Superhuman AI.


The introduction of Instant Reply by Superhuman is a leap forward in streamlining email communication. By leveraging AI, Superhuman has created a feature that not only saves time but also personalizes responses to maintain a consistent communication style.

Questions and Answers

Q1: What is Superhuman’s Instant Reply?

A1: Instant Reply is a new feature by Superhuman that uses AI to automatically generate three potential responses to incoming emails.

Q2: How to activate Instant Reply in Superhuman?

A2: You can activate the Instant Reply feature in the Superhuman app by hitting Cmd+K on a Mac or Ctrl+K on Windows and then selecting Activate Superhuman AI.

Q3: Who is Superhuman’s partner for the development of AI features?

A3: Superhuman has partnered with OpenAI for the development of its AI features.

Q4: How does Instant Reply differ from similar features on other platforms like Gmail and Outlook?

A4: Unlike Gmail and Outlook, Instant Reply generates full email responses that are pre-computed and ready to send. The responses also match the user’s previous email style in terms of voice and tone.

Q5: What are the benefits of using Instant Reply?

A5: Instant Reply not only saves time by generating responses to emails but also helps maintain a consistent communication style by matching the voice and tone of previous emails.New Feature by Superhuman Uses Generative AI to Automatically Respond to Emails