
Marketing to Educators on Pinterest

pinterest education

Here is a fun fact: The global education market is currently worth $4.4 trillion dollars. It is projected to grow even more. That’s trillion with a “t.” Maybe your company has already dedicated itself to selling to educators. Maybe you are sticking your toe into the educational market waters for the first time.  How can your brand better position itself in the education market?

In the words of the bard: “Get thee to Pinterest.”

Now educators have very developed, specialized social networks of their own like TeachersPayTeachers, (teacherspayteachers.com) and Discovery Education. However, many, many educational administrators and teachers utilize Pinterest to share information about lesson plans, and classroom materials.

If your brand already has a Pinterest presence, or if you are looking to create one, you can establish a few boards that focus on educational content — think inspirational quotes about teachers, free lesson plans, and of course links to your educator focused products. Follow educators who already have a Pinterest presence to get a sense of what kind of products they are interested in. Remember when you create or repurpose content for education oriented pin boards to address educator pain points. How can teachers use your products to integrate Common Core into their classrooms? How can teachers prepare their students for STEM careers?

Just like with any other marketing effort on Pinterest, remember to be relentless. Spend time every day creating and adding content to your Pin boards, and engaging with the education community on Pinterest.

If you focus some of your education marketing efforts on Pinterest, you may just find that when school budgets come in next year, some of that money may be set aside for you and your products.

Learn the ins and outs of Pinterest with our past posts here.