
Celebrate Customer Birthdays with These 2 Email Promos

customer birthday promotions

Customer retention is extremely important, and an easy way to demonstrate how important your customers are to your brand is to craft email campaigns based around their birthdays. They illustrate that you care, that you remember them, and they give them reason to remember you, too. Depending on what kind of response you’re looking for from your customers, there are two main approaches you can take.

Use it as a way to spur purchases.

customer birthday promotions

Wish your customers a happy birthday by giving them an exclusive discount or offer. You can make it redeemable online, in-store or both depending on your needs, but make sure that you give them a reasonable amount of time to redeem their offer.

Use it as a way to keep your brand top of mind.

customer birthday promotions

If your brand is in an industry where the down time between sales for your customers is much longer, sending out promos probably won’t spur action. Instead, craft emails that work to remind your customer of your presence, and that work to help them plan a purchase or an action when the time comes.

Looking for inspiration for other customer loyalty and retention problems? Check out our CRM guides.