
5 Steps to Help Businesses Get the Most Out of Email Marketing

email marketing

Email marketing is a strategy that’s been embraced by big and small brands alike. An incredible 71% of small businesses alone conduct email marketing, and there are a number of benefits that can be reaped from using it. It helps save time and money. It also allows you to communicate with your customers more frequently. Before diving in, though, be sure to pay attention to these email marketing tips.

Provide Useful Information

Your subscribers want to know that they can trust you. That is why you send them emails that are helpful and valuable. Many businesses make the mistake of only emailing their customers when they want them to use their product or service. However, your readers want to know that you appreciate and genuinely care about them.

Use Powerful Headlines

Your customers are more likely to read the emails that you send out if you use a powerful headline. The email headline should be short, but eye-catching. You may also want to consider mixing up your greetings. Using the same greetings repeatedly has a tendency to make the email sound very robotic. Your emails will sound more personal if you mix up the greetings.

Give Them An Incentive To Read Your Emails

Your customers want to know about the benefits they will reap from reading your emails. You can give your customers an incentive to read your email by offering them a helpful tip. You may also want to offer a small discount on a product or service if they subscribe.

Limit The Amount Of Emails That You Send

Even though emailing can be an effective form of marketing, you do not want to overdo a good thing. You have to respectful of your subscriber’s interests and time. Your customers are much more likely to remain subscribers if they do not receive a lot of emails. You should only send your subscribers a couple of messages every month. Additionally, you should keep the emails short.

Keep in mind that a large percent of the emails that are sent out never get read. Therefore, you will be saving time if you limit the emails that you send.

Ask Your Subscribers For Their Feedback

There are two types of feedback, active and passive. Your customers give you passive feedback when they click on your link. However, you should ask for their active feedback. Suggesting an idea, asking a question and making a comment are examples of active feedback. You should use this feedback to improve your marketing.

Email marketing is one of the things that can help businesses succeed in the 21st century. Providing useful information, asking your subscribers for feedback, limiting the amount of emails you send, using powerful headlines and giving your subscribers an incentive to read your emails are some essential email marketing tips that will greatly benefit you.

For people starting out that want some email marketing tips, this article by SEMA goes over some of the most poignant email marketing tips available to marketers in 2014.