
3 Effective Social Tactics of a Customer-Friendly Travel Brand

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Travel companies tend to be badmouthed in a big way in the social space. Everyday passengers and celebs alike are quick to turn to Twitter to voice their complaints about everything from lost luggage to delayed flights. Because it’s so easy to make vitriolic posts in the heat of the moment, it can be difficult for social media customer reps to handle complaints in an effective way. The brands that do a great job at it, though, all share a number of characteristics and tactics. We’ve found three that seem to make a huge difference in terms of maintaining positive relationships with customers.

Taking care of complaints as they arise in a sympathetic way.

Tensions are high when it comes to travel. Passengers missing connections or being forced to deal with delays are at their most irritable and frustrated, making it difficult to respond to them. The best social media mavens in the travel space recognize that, and work to respond in an understanding and sympathetic way.

Giving followers helpful information quickly.

With our always-connected world, passengers are quick to turn to social media to complain about delays and rude customer service reps. Socially savvy travel team members, though, are quick to respond and help fill in the gaps when passengers aren’t getting information at the airport or the train station. Being able to give answers before the situation turns into nasty complaints is a great tactic.

Communicating with a sense of humor and fun personality.

You don’t have a lot of space to communicate your message, so it can be difficult to portray your brand’s personality, too. The best socially-adapted travel brands, though, are able to do just that. They’re not afraid to show off their sense of humor and engage with customers in a personable and fun way.

There is a lot that goes into maintaining positive relationships with customers, Make sure you’re on top of it all with the guides and how-tos found in our customer relationship management section.