
The Art of the Follow-Up Email

follow-up email

Time is of the essence when you’re focused on lead gen, and when you have resources like ebooks and white papers available for readers to download, it can be difficult to determine how and when to engage with your readers. While researching beta testing best practices a few weeks ago, though, I encountered a brand who had seemed to strike the right balance in terms of email frequency and content. Here’s how they did it in four follow-up emails (and how you can use it for your brand).

Email 1: Thanks!

The same day that I downloaded their white paper, I received an email thanking me. It was personal and included an invitation to connect with the rest of the brand’s team in the event that I had any questions. It was short, sweet and it wasn’t pushy.

Use it: A ‘thank you’ follow-up email can go a long way in nurturing that connection, but don’t forget to invite recipients to reach out if they have questions.

Email 2: How’s it going?

Two days later, I received a follow-up email. Once again, it provided me with contact information in case I ran into problems, but this time it included a link to a short video introducing me to the company. In one short email, they reinforced their expertise in this area, while also helping me build my familiarity with the brand as a whole, building that ever important brand recognition.

Use it: Reconnecting with a contact a few days after the download can remind them of your brand, the white paper and your invitation to connect. Using it as an opportunity to build up your brand will also lead to increased brand familiarity and recognition.

Email 3: Here are some more resources!

About a week later, another follow-up email graced my inbox. This time, the sender was checking in to make sure the beta test prep was going well, and he also provided me with additional materials that could help me plan out my potential beta testing without having to fill out a download form every time.

Use it: Build that relationship with additional exclusive resources that will be helpful to the recipient while also further selling them on your expertise. Just make sure that those resources are fuss-free.

Email 4: Have you run into this problem yet?

A couple weeks later, I received another follow-up email from the team. This time, they were anticipating where I might be in my beta planning and testing process, and were trying to address problems I might have encountered, like delays with testing. They were also offering to help get me through those potential rough patches.

Use it: Anticipating where your reader might be in the process of implementing your advice will give you the opportunity to reconnect with them weeks after the initial download. It will also give you the chance to illustrate your expertise, and put your brand top of mind once again.

Before an email crisis strikes, make sure you know these four ways to prevent one.