
NowThisNews Shares Animated Infographic on Instagram Video

Instagram Video Infographic

For the past month we’ve been covering interesting uses of the infantile Instagram video. Nissan used paper props, Jobs (the film) debuted the first ever Instagram movie trailer, and Charity Water showed the world how monetary donations make a difference. But a data recent data-heavy execution from publication NowThisNews takes the cake (for now, at least).

The news team is using what it calls “motion instagraphics” to report on civilian casualties in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US troops. It’s a heavy topic and there’s an impressive amount of data contained in 15 short seconds — so much so that this would never never in a million years fit into a still Instagram frame on a smartphone. But with the introduction of the moving infographic on Instagram video, the amount of information we can share in that tiny box grows exponentially.

Given that it’s their first attempt at the infographic on Instagram video, NowThisNews is carefully playing the community management role, actively responding to user feedback on Instagram as well as other social sites. One Instagram user notes that the video “moves a little too fast…to really appreciate the graph.” It’s a valid point, and a member of the news team immediately jumps in to to note that they’ll keep that in mind for the next instagraphic installment.

Have you seen any other executions of the animated infographic on Instagram video? Share your favorite links with us below.