
3 Brands That Built Huge Followings on YouTube



According to Alexa, YouTube is the third most popular website on Earth. YouTube is the most popular website that specifically focuses on creating and sharing content. If you want to be a successful brand nowadays, a YouTube presence is absolutely essential. Many brands have a presence on YouTube, but put very little effort into making their YouTube channels successful. Some brands simply post their commercials to their YouTube pages. Still others have channels where they do not post anything, or post infrequently. In order to have a successful YouTube channel with a large, passionate following, it is essential that you create great content, and post it regularly. Let’s take a look at some brands with huge followings on YouTube.


Brands With Huge YouTube Followings

The Ellen Show- 9,727,782 Followers

Some brands have an easier time than others building YouTube followings. “The Ellen Show” already has successful, funny content from the TV show that they are able to edit and re-purpose for YouTube. “The Ellen Show” YouTube channel also includes a key component of almost every successful YouTube channel: a likable, charismatic individual featured at the heart of all content. Ellen Degeneres is warm, kind, and hilarious. While you may not have Ellen starring in your brand’s content, you can certainly find a charismatic host of your own to star in what you create.


The NBA- 5,767,906 Followers

The NBA lags MLB, the NFL, and even the NHL in terms of overall attendance, but they have the most popular YouTube channel of all U.S. pro leagues. The NBA has invested time developing great content that has given them a digital edge over their competitors. They have also taken advantage of the global popularity of their sport in building a rabid online following. This is another advantage of YouTube over television, or even live events: the global reach of the website allows you to reach fans you cannot reach any other way with less overall investment.


Old Spice- 424,756 Followers

So what if your brand doesn’t already have a ton of great content like Ellen or the NBA that can be easily used to build a YouTube channel. Can you still be successful on YouTube? Old Spice has shown that you can with over four hundred thousand followers. With their quirky video series, “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” starring The Old Spice Guy, Old Spice took what many consider a boring brand, and changed the discussion and the narrative of their brand by creating compelling, entertaining videos starring a personality who fans loved right away.


Regardless of whether your brand already owns a wealth of content or needs to start from scratch, you can build a massive presence on YouTube by creating great content, featuring talented personalities, and releasing your content at regular intervals.


You can also partner with existing YouTube influencers. Learn more here.