
The FDA Gives Approval for Sleep Apnea Detection Feature in Samsung’s Smartwatch.

The FDA Gives Approval for Sleep Apnea Detection Feature in Samsung's Smartwatch.## Samsung’s Smartwatch: The Dawn of Sleep Apnea Detection

Samsung has taken a significant step in the smartwatch market with its Galaxy Watch range obtaining FDA approval for detecting sleep apnea. This advancement signals a major development in the smartwatch sector, where health and fitness capabilities have become increasingly important.

The Rising Emphasis on Health Monitoring

In recent years, the smartwatch industry has been focusing on heart rate tracking and blood oxygen level monitoring as it aims to discover the next big innovation. Non-invasive glucose monitoring has also been frequently proposed, which could be a groundbreaking development for millions of individuals living with diabetes.

The Widespread Issue of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem, affecting roughly 39 million Americans and 936 million individuals globally, as reported by the National Council on Aging. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that up to 80% of those impacted are undiagnosed.

OSA is the more prevalent of two forms of sleep apnea, the other being central sleep apnea. OSA happens when the sleeper’s upper airway becomes obstructed, limiting breathing. This can heighten the risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart and kidney failure, hypertension, and stroke.

The Sleep Apnea Feature of the Galaxy Watch

Samsung’s sleep apnea feature will enable users aged 22 and above who have not been diagnosed with sleep apnea to detect signs of moderate to severe OSA over a two-night monitoring period. To use this feature, users simply have to monitor their sleep twice for more than four hours within a ten-day period.

The Galaxy Watch is not the first consumer product to provide sleep apnea tracking. Withings’ Sleep pad also offers this feature. At the onset of the pandemic, the French company announced a watch with this capability.


The FDA’s approval of Samsung’s sleep apnea detection feature in its Galaxy Watch range is a major milestone in the smartwatch market. This feature has the potential to assist millions of individuals worldwide who have undiagnosed OSA, underscoring the increasing significance of health and wellness capabilities in smartwatches.


Q: What is the new capability in Samsung’s Galaxy Watch range?

A: The Galaxy Watch range has obtained FDA approval for a feature that detects sleep apnea.

Q: How common is sleep apnea?

A: According to the National Council on Aging, roughly 39 million Americans and 936 million individuals globally are living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Q: How does the sleep apnea detection feature function?

A: Users aged 22 and above who have not been diagnosed with sleep apnea can identify signs of moderate to severe OSA over a two-night monitoring period by monitoring their sleep twice for more than four hours within a ten-day period.

Q: Are there other consumer products that offer sleep apnea monitoring?

A: Yes, Withings’ Sleep pad also provides sleep apnea monitoring. At the beginning of the pandemic, the company also announced a watch with this capability.