
Instagram Trials Updated Profile Grid Design Showcasing Rectangular Photos in Place of Conventional Squares

Instagram Trials Updated Profile Grid Design Showcasing Rectangular Photos in Place of Conventional Squares

Instagram’s Updated Profile Grid Design: Essential Information

Instagram is transforming once again, with a focus on changing the profile grid design. For years, the platform has been linked with its recognizable square grid, but that might soon become a relic. Currently, Instagram is trialing a revamped profile grid that includes rectangular images instead of the traditional squares. This transformation mirrors the evolving nature of content on the platform and could hold considerable significance for users and brands alike.

The Change in Instagram’s Grid Design

The Initial Square Grid

When Instagram launched in 2010, it was crafted as a straightforward photo-sharing app with a distinctive twist: every photo was required to be square. This square design was influenced by Polaroid photos and quickly became a hallmark of the app. The square grid layout on individual profiles was a logical progression of this design choice, providing a clean and consistent method of showcasing images.

The Emergence of Vertical Content

Fast forward to the present, and the Instagram content scene has shifted significantly. The platform now accommodates a variety of media types, including vertical photos, videos, and Stories. As stated by Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, the vast majority of uploads are now vertical, specifically in 4:3 and 9:16 aspect ratios. This transformation has made the square grid increasingly feel outdated, forcing users to crop their vertical images to fit the square format, often sacrificing key elements of the visuals.

The New Rectangular Grid Design

What’s Different?

In response to these developments, Instagram is testing a new profile grid design that showcases rectangular images. This updated layout aims to better support the vertical content that now prevails on the platform. Clicking on Instagram’s video tab reveals a rectangular grid, making the experimental layout somewhat familiar. The test profile grid remains remarkably similar to the current version, except it incorporates photo posts in a rectangular layout instead of solely videos.

User Feedback

As with any major modification, the new rectangular grid design has elicited mixed responses from users. Some are enthusiastic about the change, viewing it as a more contemporary and functional way to display their content. Conversely, others are less supportive. Mosseri mentioned in an Instagram Story that during an “Ask Me Anything” session, he received a comment urging the platform not to eliminate the original square layout. This indicates that while the new design may offer improved functionality, it might also alienate users fond of Instagram’s traditional look.

The Testing Process

Limited Availability

At this moment, the new rectangular grid design remains in the testing phase, available only to a select group of users. An Instagram spokesperson informed The Verge that the team is actively monitoring feedback to determine whether to broaden the new grid’s rollout. This cautious strategy suggests that Instagram is aware of the potential pushback and is taking measures to ensure the transition is positively received.

A Long-Awaited Change

Interestingly, this isn’t the first mention of a possible alteration to Instagram’s grid layout. Reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi indicated that the app has been developing the new rectangular grid design since at least 2022. This extended development timeframe shows that Instagram has been thoughtfully considering how to implement the change in a way that reflects user preferences while remaining relevant.

Implications for Brands and Influencers

Adjusting to the New Design

For brands and influencers, the new rectangular grid design could present new avenues to showcase their content more attractively. Vertical content, which typically garners better engagement, will no longer require awkward cropping to fit into the square grid. This might result in more inventive and impactful posts, potentially leading to enhanced engagement rates.

Possible Obstacles

On the flip side, the new layout may introduce challenges. Brands and influencers who have meticulously arranged their profiles to align with the square grid may need to reconsider their approaches. The modification could also complicate the maintenance of a consistent aesthetic, as the rectangular format might not suit certain styles of content as effectively.


Instagram’s new rectangular grid design signifies a notable shift in how content is presented on the platform. While still in the testing stage, this change aligns with the growing trend towards vertical content and could significantly impact users, brands, and influencers. Whether welcomed or criticized, the new layout is a clear indicator that Instagram continues to adapt to its users’ evolving needs.

Q&A: Essential Questions About Instagram’s New Grid Design

Q1: Why is Instagram changing the profile grid design?

A1: Instagram is altering the profile grid design to better accommodate the vertical content that currently dominates the platform. The original square grid was established when the app only permitted square images, but today, most uploads are vertical, making the square layout feel outdated.

Q2: Will the new rectangular grid design be required?

A2: Currently, the new rectangular grid design is still in testing and has just begun rolling out to a limited audience. Instagram is tracking feedback and will determine whether to broaden the layout’s availability based on user reactions.

Q3: How will the new design affect my current posts?

A3: The new design will showcase your existing posts in a rectangular format, potentially altering their appearance on your profile. If your posts were originally square, they will likely stay square, but vertical images will no longer have to be cropped.

Q4: What are the advantages of the new rectangular grid design?

A4: The new design permits vertical content to be presented in its original format, eliminating the need for cropping. This could result in more visually striking profiles and improved engagement rates, particularly for brands and influencers.

Q5: Are there any downsides to the new design?

A5: Some users might find it difficult to maintain a cohesive aesthetic with the new rectangular format. Additionally, those who prefer the original square grid may feel disappointed by the change.

Q6: How can I give feedback on the new design?

A6: If you’re part of the testing group, you can provide feedback directly through the app. Instagram is actively seeking user insights to decide on a wider rollout of the new design.

Q7: When will the new design be available to everyone?

A7: There’s no set timeline for when the new design will be accessible to all users. Instagram is still in the testing phase and will make decisions based on feedback collected from the test group.