
Apple apologizes for a contentious advertisement that disparages the whole scope of human art accomplishments.

Apple apologizes for a contentious advertisement that disparages the whole scope of human art accomplishments.## The Controversial Apple Ad: An Explanation and Analysis

Recently, the tech titan known for its cutting-edge products and marketing tactics, Apple, found itself embroiled in a controversy over an ad for its iPad Pro. The advertisement, named “Crush!”, showed a hydraulic press crushing various objects like musical instruments, sculptures, and other items usually linked to the arts. The advertisement sparked immense backlash, leading Apple to make an uncommon public apology.

The Backlash Over the “Crush!” Ad

The objective behind the “Crush!” ad was to showcase the power of the new iPad Pro. The hydraulic press stood as a symbol for the array of features and functions Apple has packed into the sleek tablet. Nonetheless, the execution overshadowed the ad’s intent.

Ad critics frowned upon the destruction of art-related objects, interpreting it as a metaphor for a large Tech firm suppressing creativity and artistic elements. The uproar was further stirred by speculation on whether the objects were actual or computer-generated.

Apple’s Reaction to the Criticism

In response to the public outcry, Apple publicly apologized. Tor Myhren, Apple’s Vice President of Marketing Communications, asserted that creativity is a critical part of Apple’s identity, and their products aim to motivate innovators globally. He conceded that the company strayed off course with the video and expressed regret.

Nonetheless, despite the apology, Apple has not taken down the ad from its YouTube channel or from CEO Tim Cook’s Twitter account. But, plans for airing the ad on TV have been withdrawn.

AI’s Influence in the Controversy

Interestingly, the backlash to the ad seems to be spurred in part by anxieties about creative AI technology. This technology has been a central focus for tech firms recently and brings forth fears amongst artists and creatives about their work being utilized to train AI models.

The “Crush!” ad did not specify or demonstrate any creative AI technology. However, the images of art and originality being crushed to create room for a lustrous, featureless piece of metal and glass echoed these anxieties.


The controversial “Crush!” ad by Apple serves as a cautionary tale to tech companies to be conscious of the messages their marketing resources transmit. The ad, primarily intended to exhibit the iPad Pro’s features, instead sparked a debate about the influence of technology on creativity and the arts.

Going forward, Apple and other tech firms should emphasize how their products bolster creativity, rather than supplant it. This strategy will not only dodge controversies but also resonate with their primary audience more effectively.


Q: What was the controversy about Apple’s “Crush!” ad?
A: The ad showed a hydraulic press crushing various artistic objects, which critics saw as a metaphor for a large Tech company suppressing creativity and artistry.

Q: How did Apple react to the backlash?
A: Apple tendered a public apology and nixed plans to broadcast the ad on TV. Yet, the ad remains on its YouTube channel and CEO Tim Cook’s Twitter account.

Q: What role did AI have in the controversy?
A: The backlash against the ad appears to be spurred partly by worries about creative AI technology. Critics believed that the imagery of crushing art and creativity mirrored fears about their work being used for training AI models.

Q: What can be learnt from this controversy?
A: It is crucial for Tech companies to be wary of the messages their marketing resources communicate. They should spotlight how their products augment human creativity and not substitute it.