
Apple Vision Pro Could Soon Be Operated by Brain Signals, Moving the Technology Closer to Reality | AppleInsider

The Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: How Synchron Could Transform Apple Vision Pro Navigation

The field of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) has been a long-held aspiration for both technologists and medical experts. The idea of managing devices purely through our thoughts, eliminating the need for conventional inputs like touch, voice, or movement, appears almost fantastical. However, thanks to significant breakthroughs from innovators like Synchron, this advanced technology is edging closer to becoming a reality. One of the most thrilling possible uses of this technology? Managing devices such as the Apple Vision Pro.

What is a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)?

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that allows direct communication between the brain and an external device. BCIs could significantly change the way individuals interact with technology, especially for those who are disabled or paralyzed. The aim is to decipher brain signals and convert them into commands that can operate computers, smartphones, or even augmented reality (AR) gadgets like the Apple Vision Pro.

Historically, BCI development has faced numerous obstacles, particularly concerning the safety and level of invasiveness. This is where Synchron’s ingenuity makes a pivotal advance.

Synchron’s Minimally Invasive Brain Implant

Synchron has created a minimally invasive brain-computer interface that can be implanted through the jugular vein, eliminating the necessity for severe brain surgery. Unlike other BCI solutions that demand direct insertion into brain tissue, Synchron’s method involves positioning the device within the blood vessels located near the brain, resulting in a considerably safer procedure.

In 2022, Synchron initiated clinical trials for their brain implant and has shared positive outcomes: none of the six trial participants faced significant adverse effects linked to the device. This is a crucial achievement, as it evidences the long-term safety and practicality of this technology for actual medical utilization.

The COMMAND Study: A Key Achievement for BCIs

The COMMAND study stands as the first FDA-sanctioned clinical trial examining a permanently embedded BCI. The trial concentrates on individuals with severe chronic bilateral upper-limb paralysis, many of whom have endured strokes or severe brain injuries. For these patients, the ability to reclaim a degree of functional autonomy is life-altering.

The study results have been encouraging. Throughout the year-long study, no neurological safety incidents were reported, further affirming Synchron’s methodology. The Stentrode BCI, as it’s named, effectively captured brain signals related to motor intent, enabling participants to operate devices like computers and smartphones.

As noted by one of the study’s co-principal investigators, Dr. Levy, “This minimally invasive approach has the potential to unlock BCI technology at scale for millions of patients with paralysis and other mobility challenges.”

Controlling Apple Vision Pro with Your Thoughts

Initially, Synchron’s BCI technology aimed mainly at managing smartphones and tablets, but recent progress indicates that the Apple Vision Pro might also be compatible with this system. Envision controlling an augmented reality device, such as the Vision Pro, merely by thinking it.

The Apple Vision Pro already represents a cutting-edge technology, featuring high-resolution AR displays, spatial audio, and a user-friendly interface. Incorporating mind-control features into this system could create vast opportunities for users with disabilities and beyond.

This could be particularly transformative for individuals with restricted mobility, enabling them to engage with their digital surroundings more intuitively and effortlessly without relying on conventional inputs like touch or voice commands.

How Does the Technology Function?

The functionality of Synchron’s BCI is both intricate and pioneering. Once implanted, the device interprets brain signals associated with motor intent—specifically, the thoughts linked to attempting to move. These signals are then relayed to an external device, which decodes them and converts them into executable commands.

For instance, if a user wishes to shift a cursor on a screen, the BCI would recognize the brain’s intent to move, and the cursor would respond accordingly. Likewise, when paired with a device like the Apple Vision Pro, a user could, in theory, navigate menus, launch applications, or interact with virtual elements, all by merely thinking of those actions.

The Potential Impact on Daily Life

The ramifications of this technology reach far beyond just device operation. For individuals experiencing severe mobility challenges, the capability to manipulate their environment is profoundly empowering. Synchron’s BCI could assist them in regaining independence by enabling control over smart home devices, computers, and even Bluetooth speakers or wireless earbuds.

In the future, as this technology matures and becomes more widespread, it may also find its way into consumer markets. Imagine a scenario where anyone can manage their devices hands-free, driven solely by their thoughts. The incorporation of BCIs into everyday technology could fundamentally reshape how we engage with the digital realm.

Challenges and Future Outlook

While Synchron’s advancements are commendable, it should be noted that BCIs are still in the formative stages of development. There are hurdles to navigate, including enhancing signal detection, speeding up and refining intent interpretation, and guaranteeing the sustained safety and reliability of the devices.

Furthermore, although the present focus is on aiding those with severe disabilities, there is potential for this technology to evolve into a mainstream consumer offering. As advancements continue, we may witness BCIs being utilized in diverse areas from gaming to productivity enhancements.


Synchron’s BCI technology signifies a substantial advancement in making brain-computer interfaces safer and more accessible. With the potential to operate devices like the Apple Vision Pro, this innovation could reshape how we interact with augmented reality and various digital landscapes. While there are still obstacles to overcome, the prospects are exhilarating—ranging from empowering individuals with disabilities to offering new methods for the general population to relate to technology.

As Synchron progresses in refining its technology and broadening its applications, the future of BCIs appears more promising than ever. Might we soon control our devices using just our minds? Thanks to innovators like Synchron, that possibility may be nearer than we anticipate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is a brain-computer interface (BCI)?
A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a technology allowing direct interaction between the brain and an external device. BCIs interpret brain signals and convert them into commands for controlling computers, smartphones, or devices like augmented reality systems.

2. How does Synchron’s brain implant function?
Synchron’s brain implant is a minimally invasive device that is inserted through the jugular vein. Once implanted, it captures brain signals related to motor intent and translates them into commands for external devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and potentially the Apple Vision Pro.

3. Is the brain implant considered safe?
Yes, the COMMAND study, Synchron’s first FDA-certified trial, has indicated that the implant is safe over a 12-month duration. None of the six trial participants reported any significant adverse effects associated with the device, including increased disability or death.

4. Who stands to gain from this technology?
Currently, Synchron’s BCI focuses on assisting individuals with severe paralysis or mobility impairments, particularly those who have experienced a stroke. However, as the technology develops, it may have broader applications for general consumer use.

5. Can the brain implant operate the Apple Vision Pro?
Yes, based on recent advancements, Synchron’s BCI technology could interface with devices such as the Apple Vision Pro, enabling users to control the device using their thoughts. This could create new opportunities for hands-free interaction with augmented reality.

6. How does Synchron’s BCI differ from other brain implants?
In contrast to more invasive brain implants that require surgical procedures, Synchron’s BCI is introduced via the jugular vein using a minimally invasive technique. This renders it a safer alternative with diminished risk of complications.

7. What types of devices can Synchron’s BCI manage?
At present, Synchron’s BCI has been utilized to control smartphones, tablets, and computers. In the future, it could potentially manage a broader array of devices, encompassing smart home systems, Bluetooth speakers, and wireless earbuds.Apple Vision Pro Could Soon Be Operated by Brain Signals, Moving the Technology Closer to Reality | AppleInsider