
“The Update 17.5.1 for iOS and iPadOS Resolves a Bug that was Making Old Photos Appear Again”

The Update 17.5.1 for iOS and iPadOS Resolves a Bug that was Making Old Photos Appear Again## iOS and iPadOS 17.5.1 Update: Tackling the Persistent Photos Glitch

Recently, Apple released its first bug corrective update for iOS and iPadOS, with the version 17.5.1. The prime target of this update is to fix a glitch that resulted in the recurrence of erased photos on user devices, sparking alarm and dissatisfaction among them.

The Glitch and Its Consequences

The glitch was first reported by users post the launch of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 on May 13. Users found that the photos they had previously deleted were resurfacing in their Photos app, leading to debate and concern about Apple’s data handling practices.

Apple suffered much negative image from this glitch, as it led some users to believe that they were unknowingly and without their consent, storing their deleted photos in the cloud. This suspicion was further fueled by news of explicit photos resurfacing.

However, it seems that the issue was not connected to cloud storage at all. According to the details provided by Apple in their release notes, the photos never actually left the users’ devices. Rather, photos that had been moved to the 30-day deletion grace period on the local device were resurfacing due to corruption.

The User Reaction

As expected, this glitch created a considerable amount of annoyance among users who thought that their deleted photos were erased permanently. The issue was even more alarming for those who reported seeing deleted photos on devices that had been cleared and redistributed to a different user.

While Apple did not initially respond to requests for comment on the issue, the roll-out of the 17.5.1 update suggests that the company has recognized and addressed the glitch.


Although bugs are an unavoidable aspect of software development, they can occasionally lead to unforeseen and uncomfortable situations for users. The recent persistent photo glitch in iOS and iPadOS is a prime example of that. However, with Apple quickly releasing a bug fix update, it shows the company’s dedication to resolving issues and maintaining user trust.

Questions and Answers

Q: What was the glitch in iOS and iPadOS 17.5?

A: The glitch caused the user’s deleted photos to re-emerge in their Photos app.

Q: What action did Apple take in response to the glitch?

A: In response to the glitch, Apple launched a bug fix update, the iOS and iPadOS 17.5.1.

Q: Did the glitch involve Apple storing deleted photos in the cloud?

A: No, the glitch was related to photos that were part of the 30-day deletion grace period on the local device resurfacing due to corruption.

Q: What was the user reaction to the glitch?

A: A number of users were understandably upset and worried by the glitch, especially those who saw deleted photos pop up on devices that had been erased and handed to a different user.