
Elon Musk obstructs the premiere of Don Lemon’s latest X show.

Elon Musk obstructs the premiere of Don Lemon's latest X show.## Elon Musk Halts Don Lemon’s New Program on X

Unexpectedly, the highly expected video chat show hosted by ex-CNN announcer Don Lemon has been discontinued by X, mere hours post the recording of its premiere episode. This happened not long after a chat with Elon Musk, X’s billionaire proprietor, chosen for the show’s maiden episode.

The Debate Over the Discontinuation

On Wednesday, Lemon announced on X platform the discontinuation of his show, stating, “Elon Musk is upset with me. Apparently, total freedom of speech doesn’t stand true when it comes to queries about him from people like myself”. This remark has ignited a rush of conjecture and disagreement over what provoked the sudden discontinuation.

X’s Transition to a Video-Centric Platform

The discontinuation occurs at a juncture when X is tactically transitioning into a “video first” platform. Earlier this year, X revealed it’s association with Lemon as a part of its bigger strategy to stream more unique content. The strategy also comprised agreements with ex-representative Tulsi Gabbard and sports radio commentator Jim Rome to broadcast their exclusive shows on the platform.

X’s Commentary on the Discontinuation

Reacting to the controversy, X released a statement saying, “The Don Lemon Show is free to publish its content on X, without censorship, as we believe in providing a platform for creators to expand their work and engage with new communities. However, like any organization, we maintain the right to make decisions about our business collaborations.”

Lemon’s Upcoming Plans

In spite of the setback, Lemon intends to air the inaugural episode of “The Don Lemon Show” on X, YouTube and other podcast platforms. Lemon is also getting ready for a potential legal combat over a claimed multi-million dollar payout from X.


The discontinuation of Don Lemon’s program on X has caused a myriad of questions about the platform’s strategy and dedication to freedom of speech. As the situation develops, it will be captivating to watch how this affects X’s reputation and its future collaborations.

Questions and Their Replies

Q1: Why has Don Lemon’s program been discontinued on X?

A1: The program was discontinued soon after Don Lemon’s interview with X’s billionaire owner Elon Musk. Though, the precise motives for the discontinuation have not been officially conveyed.

Q2: What is X’s plan for content streaming?

A2: X is transitioning into becoming a “video first” platform and has been forming partnerships with various famous personalities to broadcast unique content.

Q3: What plans does Don Lemon have post discontinuation?

A3: Lemon intends to stream his show’s inaugural episode on X, YouTube, and other podcast platforms. He is also getting ready for a potential legal combat over a claimed multi-million dollar payout from X.

Q4: Has Elon Musk been implicated in similar controversies earlier?

A4: Yes, Elon Musk has had his share of controversies in the past, including legal battles over unremunerated severance benefits.

Q5: What was talked about in the interview between Don Lemon and Elon Musk?

A5: The interview included a range of subjects including the presidential election and suspected ketamine use by Musk.